Create more engagement with your ads on Facebook

Nick Jensen
Chatbots Life
Published in
5 min readApr 20, 2017


Engagement is an important metric that Facebook is looking at to determine the relevancy score of your ad. While there are many ways to increase engagement on your posts — including pictures of cute puppies — this approach will not only increase your engagement but actually start a conversation.

By now you may have heard about these bots that are taking over the world, well at least Facebook messenger. In a previous post you may recall, we talked about how to get people to Opt-in to your landing page with Facebook Messenger.

Well, that same great Messenger bot that made it easy for us to do that is what we will be using to increase engagement on your Facebook posts.

ManyChat just released a new “Growth Tool” called Facebook Comments. The new feature turns post commenters into messages.

While I absolutely love cool marketing tools, if you don’t have a goal to use them then you will most likely be wasting your money. So, before we get into the technical “how to” part of this, let’s dive into the WHY.

I know you have seen posts in your Facebook news feed: “Your Friend’s Name” commented on a post. Immediately below that, you see the post that they commented on. So now this post has expanded its reach beyond their initial audience to more networks of friends.

Now if you were to use a similar strategy to increase engagement with a new listing or an open house, just imagine the reach you could have beyond your initial audience.

I know what you are thinking…. “Sounds great and all but how do I get people to comment?”

This is where we want to place a Call to Comment in the post. The CTC is as easy is it sounds, your post might start out something like this:

“Coming Soon to AREA — House Name.
To see photos, video tour, and pricing before it hits the market just write SHOW ME in the comments”

Now people will start commenting leaving social proof and increasing your reach. Imagine what would happen if you then took this post and promoted it with all those comments? Yup — higher relevancy scores and lower cost per engagement.

Here is where it gets even better: After a person comments with the phrase “Show Me,” ManyChat will automatically send out a Facebook Message to that user from your Business Page giving them the details of the offer.

Now we have a WHY let’s get into the HOW

Here is what you will need before we get started:

1. A Facebook business page
2. A readiness to respond to people via Facebook Messenger
3. A ManyChat Pro account
4. A great Post ready to become Awesomer ( hint: New Listings work great for this )
5. A Call to Comment
The first step we need to do is to create a post. We will use the Power Editor to make sure that we get everything the way we want it.

Add your images, copy and select the “Send Message” as the Call to Action button.

Next grab the Post ID, as we will need this in ManyChat

Head over to ManyChat and select the Facebook Page we are using to send messages.

Next, create a new Growth Tool — Facebook Comments

Setup the post you want to use for comments. ManyChat will load your page’s posts, but the post we want to use is not there because we didn’t publish it to the page. So, take the Post ID that we created in Power Editor and enter it into the post field.

Confirm you have the correct post in the box and that you will Respond to Messages.

Scroll down and enter the Keyword that you are asking the users to comment, in this case, we are using the words “Show Me”

The next step is to create the First response message. It is important to get them to reply with a keyword again so we can subscribe them to our Messenger bot.

Something like this will work:

Hey [First Name] ready to see the inside of this house that is about to hit the market? Just reply INSIDER to get the details.

The final step is to create a Keyword in ManyChat. (Automation -> KEYWORDS)

We used INSIDER for this example, so simply create that Keyword and add your Response with the link to the Offer you made.

If you want to take this a step further you can create a Sequential follow-up to keep in touch with them.

One thing to remember when using tools like this is that it is a starting point. They are made to help us START a conversation and not so much make the sales.

Most importantly: Be ready to engage with the people that message you.

Originally published at Digital Marketing with Nick Jensen.



Founder of Maker Ops and CTO of a Fortune 5000 company that enjoys talking about the outdoors, running, coding, and building products.